Jolien Gijbels speaks at DHST Global History of Science & Technology Festival

The aim of the Global History of Science and Technology Festival (28-30 September 2023) is to bring together historians of science and technology representing the diversity of regions, backgrounds and topics that the DHST stands for to reflect on one and only topic: *The Future of History of Science and Technology / History of Science and Technology for the Future.*
Our board member and vice chair, Jolien Gijbels, will represent Gewina with a talk titled ‘Interrogating the “Technologies of Trust”’ (session 18).
Jolien will discuss medical-historical examples of “technologies of trust” such as statistics of operations and laboratory analysis that to this day are part of a medical culture in which there is little room for medical uncertainty. These “technologies” have, among other things, justified surgical experiments in the past. Her presentation aims to point out the important role of history of science in deconstructing those “technologies” and creating a greater tolerance toward uncertainty and doubt.
Please visit the DHST website to see an overview of the schedule of the festival.