Tag: JHoK
Journal for the History of Knowledge 2024

Special Issue: Mapping Uncertain Knowledge, edited by Djoeke van Netten
How to present uncertain knowledge? What did, and what do, mapmakers do when they are not sure? This posed a large problem in early modern times, the so-called “age of exploration.” Where and how to insert whole new continents, disputed discoveries, questionable coastlines, and islands beyond the imagination? What if the experiences of explorers contradicted age-old narratives? And how to present the yet unexplored parts of the world?
Lees verder “Journal for the History of Knowledge 2024”Call for Object Stories
Het GUM (Gents Universiteitsmuseum) is het jongste museum van wetenschapsgeschiedenis in de Lage Landen. Het museum toont experimenten van voorheen, en is zelf een modern experiment van objecten, kunstwerken en grote vragen. Het museum is zo vrij geweest ons te willen hosten voor ons najaarssymposium op 24 november ter gelegenheid van ons 111-jarig bestaan. De titel is Wonderkamer van Wetenschapsgeschiedenis.
Bij de viering van ons jubileum zijn we op zoek naar enthousiaste onderzoekers, van beginnend tot gevorderd, die aan de hand van een object uit de collectie van het GUM een korte presentatie willen verzorgen. Welk verhaal vertelt jouw favoriete object? Waarom moeten bezoekers met verwondering naar jouw object kijken? Of: Wat voor nieuw licht werpt jouw onderzoek op het object of thema in het museum? De mogelijkheden zijn eindeloos.
Lees verder “Call for Object Stories”Job advertisement: Assistant Managing Editor
The Journal for the History of Knowledge is looking for an assistant managing editor (0.1 fte) to start on 1 January 2022 (or as close as possible to this date) for 6 months. The position can be prolonged depending upon positive evaluation and your continued registration as a student. You are expected to be available 0.5 day per week, to take part in the editorial team meeting remotely or in Utrecht, and to take up tasks during the rest of the week.
Lees verder “Job advertisement: Assistant Managing Editor”JHoK: Histories of Bureaucratic Knowledge
The first Special Issue of Journal for the History of Knowledge here: “Histories of Bureaucratic Knowledge,” with guest editors Sebastian Felten and Christine von Oertzen.
For the complete List of Contents and to read all articles in Open Access, please visit: https://journalhistoryknowledge.org/collections/special/histories-of-bureaucratic-knowledge/
Enjoy the holidays’ read!
Job advertisement: assistant managing editor
The Journal for the History of Knowledge is looking for an assistant managing editor (0.1 fte) to start on 1 January 2021 (or as close as possible to this date) for 6 months. The position can be prolonged depending upon positive evaluation and your continued registration as a student. You are expected to be present 0.5 day per week, in principle, on Fridays when the editorial team meets virtually or in Utrecht, and to take up tasks during the rest of the week.
Lees verder “Job advertisement: assistant managing editor”