Woudschoten 3 (2009)

Third Bi-Annual Dutch Conference in the History of Science: Dutch Science – World Science

Woudschoten, 26 and 27 June 2009

Programme can be downloaded here

The ‘Landelijke Werkgroep Wetenschapsgeschiedenis’ was established in 2004 as an informal way to unite all Dutch historians of science. The goal is the exchange of ideas and experiences and stimulation of collaboration. Previous meetings were held at Woudschoten in 2005 and 2007.

This year’s meeting will offer you a mix of thematic sessions in which individual research will be presented, and plenary sessions devoted to the theme Dutch Science – World Science. The term ‘Dutch’ in the overall title is supposed to include the entire Low Countries.

We would like to thank the Descartes Center (Utrecht University) and the Center for the History of Philosophy and Science (RU Nijmegen) for sponsoring this event.The organizers hope that you will enjoy this conference and welcome you to Woudschoten!

Fokko Jan Dijksterhuis

Christoph Lüthy

Geert Somsen

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