Auteur: Marieke Hendriksen
Woudschoten 8 – Final Programme available
The full and final programme for Gewina Woudschoten Conference 8, Towards a History of Knowledge, 21-22 June 2019, is now online (download below). The conference is fully booked. Dietary preferences can be submitted until 7 June. We look forward to seeing you at Woudschoten!
Please note that the conference fee includes conference participation, coffee, tea, and lunch on both days, and the conference dinner on Friday. Hotel rooms have to be booked separately and directly with Woudschoten conference centre! Use promotional code Gewina2019 to get a reduced rate.
Call for Papers

We invite contributions to the Journal for the History of Knowledge which will be launched early 2020.
JHoKis devoted to the history of knowledge in its broadest sense. This includes the study of indigenous, artisanal, and other types of knowledge, often seen as ‘weaker’ than science, as well as the history of academic knowledge developed in the humanities and social sciences. Special attention is devoted to interactions and processes of demarcation of science and knowledge. Contributions can deal with the history of concepts of knowledge, the study of practices of knowledge, and institutions and sites of knowledge production and legitimation (including universities). Contributions which highlight the relevance of the history of knowledge to current policy concerns (for example, by historicizing and problematizing concepts such as the knowledge society) are particularly welcome.
Lees verder “Call for Papers”Gewina excursie Haarlem
Woensdag 13 maart 2019 van 13.30-17.30 uur in Bloemenstad Haarlem.
200 soorten Groen in het Teylers Museum en een stadswandeling in Haarlem.
Dit voorjaar is in het Teylers Museum in Haarlem een overzichtstentoonstelling van de botanische kunstenaars Franz en Ferdinand Bauer te zien. De tekeningen van beide broers behoren tot de uitzonderlijkste botanische kunstwerken ooit gemaakt, terwijl ze relatief onbekend zijn in Nederland. Voor liefhebbers van botanische kunst is dit een uitgelezen kans om kennis te maken met deze onbekende schat aan plantkundige pracht.
Lees verder “Gewina excursie Haarlem”When doctors travel overseas. Colonial medicine and the Low Countries
Gewina Spring Meeting – 5 April 2019. Registration is free of charge but mandatory. Please send a mail to before the 22ndof March, if you would like to attend the colloquium.
Large Conference Room at the Royal Museum for Central Africa, Tervuren
Lees verder “When doctors travel overseas. Colonial medicine and the Low Countries”PhD and Postdoc position for the Max Planck Research Group “Visualizing Science in Media Revolutions”
For the new 5-year Max Planck Research Group “Visualizing Science in Media Revolutions”, led by Dr. Sietske Fransen, the Bibliotheca Hertziana – Max Planck Institute for Art History in Rome (Italy) seeks to appoint:
– one postdoctoral researcher (2-year appointment)
– one pre-doctoral researcher (1-year appointment)